Saturday, April 23, 2011


Rio [G]
2011, 20th Century Fox

Grade: A
Up-graded from B

par : characters
par : soundtrack
+1 : art direction
+1 : Carnivale in Brazil
+1 : Birds versus monkeys

Friday, April 22, 2011

“A” Is for Ackbar

In anticipation of the birth of their son, artists Brandon and Emma Peat set about illustrating the alphabet with the help of some of your favorite Star Wars characters.

Read More and see the complete alphabet at Comic Alliance:

Fabian Gonzalez’s Superhero aAlphabet

Admirers can pick up a copy of the print over at Gonzalez's Society6 page. Prices range from $14-50ish depending on dimensions, and you can even pick it up on a number of other items, like t-shirts and hoodies. All you pre-school/kindergarten teachers know what to do.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Evacuation Instructions For Awkward Situations

by Caldwell Tanner on October 15, 2010
on College Humor


If Ikea Made Instructions for Everything

by Susanna Wolff on November 12, 2010
on College Humor


If Your Mom Wrote Movie Titles

by Susanna Wolff on January 5, 2011
From College Humor

see more...


Paul [R]

2011 Universal

Grade: A-
Upgraded from B.

+1 - Made for geeks, by geeks
+1 - Cast
+1 - Paul (the alien) coached Steven Spielberg on “E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial” from a government warehouse a la “Raiders of the Lost Arc”
par - ending the story
-1 - Probably would be just as good as a [PG] or [PG-13] cut

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Where the Hell Is Matt?

Sucker Punch

Sucker Punch [PG-13]

2011 Warner Brothers.

Grade: C
Adjusted from C

+1 - Fight Choreography
-1 - Slow motion
+1 - Soundtrack
par - story
-1 - character development

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Alan Wolfson - Miniarture Urban Sculptures

Alan Wolfson creates handmade miniature sculptures of urban environments. Complete with complex interior views and lighting effects, a major work can take several months to complete.

When Parents Text

This blog is dedicated to the trials and errors that come when a parent handles a cellphone.

  • DAD: Why do you keep sending me half finished texts.
  • ME: What are you talking about? I’m sending you whole texts.
  • DAD: Send me separate texts if they’re long. I can’t see any more than a sentence.
  • ME: Dad, scroll down.
  • DAD: Oh. 

Chocolate Chip
  • Dad: What are you doing?
  • Me: I’m at Grandma’s house. What do you need?
  • Dad: I want cookies. Chocolate chip. Get them for me. I will pay.
  • Me: Ask mom.
  • Dad: I did. She won’t. Says no. Get cookies please.
  • Me: I will on my way home.
  • (10 minutes later)
  • Dad: Nevermind. Mom found texts. NO COOKIES! ABORT MISSION!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sitting - The Most Dangerous Thing You’ll Do All Day

The Most Dangerous Thing You’ll Do All Day
By Bill Phillips and the Editors of Men’s Health
Mar 30, 2011

Scientists at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana analyzed the lifestyles of more than 17,000 men and women over about 13 years, and found that people who sit for most of the day are 54 percent more likely to die of heart attacks.

That’s right—I said 54 percent!

1. Screws up your posture.
2. Makes you fatter.
3. Causes lower back pain.

Read the complete article:

Top 20 Most Common Passwords of All Time

Top 20 most common passwords of all time revealed: ‘123456,’ ‘princess,’ ‘qwerty’
by Joe McKendrick (Jan. 21, 2010)

In the summer of 2009, SmartPlanet colleague John Dodge posted details on the 500 worst passwords of all time.

Now, Imperva has released a list of the 20 most commonly used (and therefore worst) passwords, culled from a hacking incident that took place in December at, a photo-sharing and slideshow site.

Read the full article at